Tag Archives: edublog awards

Vote for Student Engagement

The voting for the 2010 Edublog Awards has begun! I am stunned that my blog post The $2 Interactive Whiteboard has been shortlisted for Most Influential Blog Post. In the comments, you’ll see many teachers across disciplines and grade levels have gone out and started whiteboarding with their students.

And from across the Blog-o-Twitter-verse:

Micheal Doyle wrote in his post Technology Even a Luddite Can Love:

I cut up two 4 x 8′ white shower boards ($25.87 including tax) into twelve 24 x 32″ white boards.

Best money I’ve spent on a classroom, and I’ve spent a lot.

Mistakes are no longer permanent red marks. A quick swoosh with an eraser or back of a hand, and the board is clear.

Mistakes do not simmer for a day or two; I walk around and we work together to fix misconceptions on the spot.

I know immediately where the students stand, a bit humbling when you realize maybe your brilliantly scripted lectures posed as directed discussions are no more effective than the textbook you sneered at with your fellow twits on late summer eves.

And (drum roll please….) the kids dare to think. I mean think as in “Look at me I’m coming up with solutions and I want to share them!” think.

Physics and chemistry teacher Brian Post recently tweeted:


John Burk started an entire Posterous blog called Physics Whiteboards for teachers and students to share their whiteboards with the world!

My post was even written about in Sweden: Interaktivitet? Dialog! (translate into English)

Enough about me. Please look at my other nominations below. All these teachers are working hard to engage kids everyday and make their time in school as meaningful as possible.

Best individual blogScience Teacher
Michael Doyle wants his students to experience science, not regurgitate it. Take, for example, his recent post Un-teaching Science.

Best individual tweeterjerridkruse
Jerrid Kruse is a former middle school science teacher who now teaches pre-service elementary teachers about inquiry in the classroom.

Best new blogQuantum Progress
John Burk, physics teacher and modeler, is trying to change his students mindset about learning, grades, and getting into college. He wants his students to change the world and he is helping them get there.

Best teacher blogThink Thank Thunk
Shawn Cornally’s students are doing amazing inquiry in physics and calculus. Plus his standards-based grading posts are bar-none.

Best educational use of video / visualdy/dan
From basketball parabolas to filling up a water tank, Dan Meyer series strives to make math more meaningful to students through carefully constructed videos and pictures in his “What Can You Do With This?” series.

Lifetime achievementDan Meyer
Dan’s was the first blog I read regularly. His “How Math Must Assess” manifesto is what put me and many others on the road to better grading practices. Follow that up with an appearance on Good Morning America for his WCYDWT-Groceries and  a TEDxNYED talk about a makeover for math curriculum, and you’ve got a math guy whose influence is being felt in all subject areas.

These are not votes for us, but rather votes for improving science teaching and for engaging and helping students. ANYONE can vote, not just fellow bloggers. (Only 1 vote per IP address to prevent cheating, so you may have to vote at home rather than at school.)

So follow the links above and vote! Thank you for your support!

My 2010 Edublog Award Nominations

For my 2010 Edublog Award Nominations, I want to recognize the people that have tremendously advanced my learning and thinking this past year.

Best individual blog – Science Teacher
Michael Doyle’s writing is insightful, beautiful, and humbling. He reminds me why what we do as teachers matters and why what we aren’t doing as teachers matters even more.

Best individual tweeter – Jerrid Kruse
Jerrid doesn’t tweet the lastest Web 2.0 tools or Top 10 lists. He engages his audience with thoughtful questions and frequent push back. The conversations we’ve had on Twitter have always stretched my mind, whether about shiny technology or science education.

Best new blog – Quantum Progress
John Burk blogs like nobody’s business. He reflects on his practice by posting videos of student discussions and samples of student work. He blogs about trying to change his students mindset about learning, grades, and getting into college. He wants his students to change the world and he is helping them get there.

Best teacher blog – Think Thank Thunk
Shawn Cornally’s got drive, passion, honesty, and a no-holds-barred attitude. His 3 separate series on Physics, Calculus, and SBG could easily standalone as separate outstanding blogs.

Best educational use of video / visual – Dan Meyer’s “What Can You Do With This?” series
From basketball parabolas to filling up a water tank, this series strives to make math more meaningful to students through carefully constructed videos and pictures.

Lifetime achievement – Dan Meyer
Dan’s was the first blog I read regularly. His “How Math Must Assess” manifesto is what put me and many others on the road to better grading practices. Follow that up with an appearance on Good Morning America for his WCYDWT-Groceries and  a TEDxNYED talk about a makeover for math curriculum, and you’ve got a math guy whose influence is being felt in all subject areas.